Let’s be clear since the media is slow to actually catch on to facts since for the last 3 plus years, they’ve been obsessed with Trump Derangement and getting rid of bid bad Orange man. China and the US are now officially engaged in war – at this stage a Cold War. They are winning….
Hoax or Not to Hoax, that is the Question
We don’t know if this Chinese Plague Pandemic is Hoax or not. The disease without a doubt is contagious and kills. But until we are on the other side and do a full analysis – we won’t know if we really needed to do the draconian shut downs to the economy we did. I do…
China Sending 1000 Respirators to NY Is Like the Nazis Sending Gas Masks to the Concentration Camps
When I think I’ve seen it all, there it is in print – Governor “Fredo” Cuomo thanking the Communist Chinese for sending 1000 respirators to New York. Trump sends 4,400 respirators to NY and Cuomo is insulted and dismissive. China sends 1000 and Cuomo acts like it was the second coming of Christ. China sending…
Does NBC and Other Media Outlets Give Aid and Comfort to Our Enemies?
In a Yahoo hit piece from NBC news that called out things that Trump and his administration did wrong during the Coronavirus Pandemic – I found this enlightening comment from a person named Will – who obviously spent some time in the military: “In the military there is something called a “Hotwash” or After-Action Review….
Vox – Concerned About Evil McKinsey – Ignored the Real Threat – CHINA
I refer you to this interesting VOX article very concerned with evil capitalist Consultancies like McKinsey – but not one mention of China and their potential role in the WHO. As Spock on Star Trek would often say – “Fascinating”. Why is the illiberal left so concerned with bashing capitalists? To give them their due…
So, We’re Supposed to Care that a White Midget Infectious Disease Expert Was Captain of His High School Basketball Team?
So, We’re Supposed to Care that a White Midget Infectious Disease Expert Was Captain of His High School Basketball Team? So now I read an article about Fauci being a captain of his high school basketball team. So that’s the best these yahoos can do to make this munchkin important? The left loves this guy…
America – A Ship of Fools
A recent article chronicled a poor navy Captain who was relieved of duty – fired as it were – for sending a dozen emails noting that over hundred of his crew had the Chinese Plague. Reading comments, I noticed that some were appalled at this. How dare the navy result to such “totalitarian” behavior! I…
For the Illiberal Locusts of the Left – Get Trump Even if it Kills US
On Yahoo News the fake newz that leads the banner is typically from the Huffpo – anti-Trump all the time website. What we should be doing is reserving our anger for the liars where this pandemic came from – China’s communist tyrannical regime – who kept vital information from us – and their puppets in…
The Democrat House of Ill Repute
I’ve said before that Trump acted while the House impeached. Trump was acting in the interest of the American people, while the Democrats simply acted in self-interest and their desire for more power. Trump did in FACT warn us about the Coronavirus and how his administration was going to fight it during his State of…
Sean Lennon Has Lost Trust in the Media’s Coverage of China and their Plague
John was my favorite Beatle and his son is sounding a lot like John was toward the end before his murder – much more conservative and rational than he was in his younger days. The Mainstream Media like much of the Ruling Class are all in for China. They fail to question the absurd number…