Bernie is starting to show his real Commie Colors by his compliments of Castro. Sure, Castro gave the peasants some things, but at the price of freedom and shared misery and mediocrity. Castro was a monster. In his wake, he didn’t quite leave the carnage of a Pol Pot or Mao or Stalin – but he was a monster none the less. Those infamous Marxists account for at least 100 million deaths and untold misery. All Castro did in the small island probably only murdered a few thousand and enslaved the rest of the country. Yes, Castro did a few things to keep the serfs and slaves in line. Free healthcare. A bit better than most third world countries. But don’t tell me if you had a life-threatening cancer or heart problem, you’d prefer Castro’s Cuba to any number of American hospitals. Yes, he provided free education – all Marxists know that important plank in the Communist Manifesto. Free education is critical for indoctrinating the serfs and the slaves so they don’t stray from the plantation. Same ideology. Same Tyrannical rule that destroyed human lives and freedom. The simple fact is Bernie supporters are IGNORANT of history and Bernie is no different than any of these other monsters except for one thing – he doesn’t have absolute power YET. If he did, the carnage and misery would inevitably follow. Marxism necessarily starts out with the lie of equalizing – spreading the wealth – giving people something for nothing – but it always ends up with dissidents imprisoned or murdered – and for those who survive – shared misery. Wake up Bernie supporters – Bernie is a naked Marxist. There is no such thing as democratic socialism. Even the term socialism itself was always meant to be a stop gap step that leads to Communism and complete govt control. Wake up!