AOC and Ted Cruz recently had a twitter war on science and religion and the Guardian put it in their headline – “it didn’t end well”. I guess they thought AOC got the better of the exchange, but from my point of view – AOC failed miserably to answer the questions given and relied exclusively on ad hominem argument and her bona fides as winner of a “science fair”. I think Cruz summed it up best in his final tweet: “We see evolution every day: the Dem party is rapidly evolving into an angry, anti-science socialist ideology. You insulted Pence & I asked you 3 real Qs re science. You ignored all 3 & responded w/ your resume & ad hominem attacks. Instead of insults, address the substance.” Could not help laughing my ass off – or in the modern lingo – LMAO. My guess is that Cruz has about a 50 IQ points on AOC.
To me it is quite easy to believe in Christianity one can also believe in Evolution – and that much of the Bible is not to be taken literally but as allegory – and lessons to learn – all modern religious scholars would accept the theory of evolution – as a compelling one – but that still does not exclude the possibility for those of us who believe in God that the life that sprang from the ooze was not simply a random act. If one really thinks about it long enough – although it is difficult to answer the question of why God, how God came into being – it does make sense that something intelligent started or created life than the notion that life sprang from nothing. Logic tells me that nothing springs from nothing…and the converse is also true – something springs from something or someone. The question of the origin of life appears to be unanswerable, and those of us with faith, understand that universal principles and morals cannot co-exist with those who deny a higher power and therefore dismiss morals. And this leads me to the conclusion based on the evidence of the massive carnage – hundred million deaths and untold suffering at the hands of Marxist atheists – Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro – and yes, the atheist fascist Socialist – Hitler – that our Republican system based on God is far superior to any form of socialism whether it be Marx’s vision, or Hitler’s, or Bernie’s, or AOC’s. Our system works because of our connection to a Creator and higher power and whether you are an agnostic or believer our system that has its foundational roots in our Judeo-Christian heritage is infinitely more ethical and moral than those forms of government where tyrants and individuals take the place of the almighty and wreak havoc on the world.