The Huffington Post – that objective news site spewing the views of the illiberal left had an interesting article pushing the battle of the teens – Naomi Seibt – the 19-year-old who spoke at CPAC questioning the Cult of Climate and Greta Thunberg – the teen activist for the Climate Cult. Unfortunately, like most of the drivel coming from Huffington Post or other left-wing sites on the subject – very little actual science was discussed, but there were the obligatory ad hominem arguments. Since Naomi praised a comment by someone the left deems as an “evil white nationalist” – therefore, it followed that what Naomi said or what that person she quoted said is invalid. No, dear folks and illiberal locusts of the left, that is not the way it works. You may indeed argue with the statement but simply dismissing the statement because you don’t like his or her politics is not a valid argument. It is sadly what the left does. They make absurd claims that some 97% or so of all climate scientists agree that we have anthropogenic global warming – so we have a consensus of all-knowing scientists. We have no consensus of anything other than some green house gases including CO2 can induce warming. When you start asking do we have definitive evidence of AGW, there are at least as many “scientists” who say we don’t have the evidence as those who say we do. We have known of the greenhouse effect since the 19th century. Problem arises when we make the leap that somehow man and the use of petrochemicals that produce CO2 is leading to Armageddon where according to such notable scientific brains as AOC – we will all be dead in 12 years if we don’t immediately stop using oil and gas – and immediately sign on to the Marxist left’s Green New Deal – which will cost about 5 times our entire GDP. So, the numbers don’t make any sense and the evidence has been shaky at best to what exactly man’s impact on the climate really is. You see my friends, there is this big yellow ball in the sky that may in fact have a great deal more to do with rising temperatures on earth than anything itty bitty man does. For example, there were readings of solar flares that coincided with temperature increases on Mars. Last I checked there are very few autos or industry polluting the Martian atmosphere. And when we start talking about consensus and science, we ignore the facts that before Galileo, the vast consensus that controlled the Church – said the earth was the center of the universe. And before Einstein, the vast consensus of scientists thought that Newton’s laws were the final answer to the nature of the universe. Theory of relativity and the science that followed gave us the nuclear age and proved once again that science is ever evolving. That real breakthroughs occur by individuals who go against the established norms and follow it up with experiments that give us real evidence for the new theory. We have NONE of that with the Global Warming or Climate Cult.
I love the way the illiberal left has turned “science” into a cult. A term like “climate science denier” that is used to dismiss Naomi sounds more like a religious or political term. The proper term is that people who have studied the subject – are Skeptical of the predictions and the assertions. As I mentioned earlier, there is no such thing as “consensus” in science. Science is based on theory and evidence to prove the theory and it is ever evolving as we have new theories backed up by new compelling evidence. The evidence on Global Warming or the absurd term “climate change” to date is mixed at best and when it comes to the dire predictions – like the hockey stick projections and the ludicrous claims made by the likes of Gore – most have been proven to be utterly false. There has been no drastic rise in temperature as predicted. There has been no rise in sea levels that have wiped out cities. We also have hacked emails confirming that so-called scientists in East Anglia – “cooked the books” with false readings – and then we have the very compelling Vostok ice core samples where the important conclusion is that CO2 is a product of the warming – not the other way around. No doubt climate changes. No doubt man has some impact. But nowhere near the levels to actually have the effects these hacks are saying. The Climate cult is a political movement – for the elites it is a big money maker – ask Gore or some of the grants given to those hack scientists who spout their dire warnings and come up with theories that never are backed up by the evidence. And for the turd world it is a great redistribution scheme to take from the rich and give to the poor – but like all cults – it is essentially a road to ruin if it ever becomes mainstream or if someone as radical as Bernie Sanders is able to implement, the Green New Deal. This scam is not based on science but politics and naked greed for power – so effective for Mao, Stalin or Pol Pot – but not such a good DEAL for the 100 million who died and millions more imprisoned and who suffered through their tyrannical rule.