I’m quite sure I’m not the first person to connect the dots about how the Dems and Hollywood were able to cast Barack Hussein Obama as President and give us our present dysfunctional combination of Media, Hollywood and Government inextricably tied together. In fact, Michael Weiner aka Savage used the term on his talk show. But the way I am using the term is slightly different. The American hating left had been brewing and bubbling up during the Civil Rights movement, with the Viet Nam War, with sex, drugs and rock and roll. Bear or is it “bare” with me? Lot of that going on at the time. Pre HIV and all. But I digress.
Savage was correct that we have something perhaps just as insidious as the Military Industrial Complex – The Govt Media Complex. And with it we have seen quite clearly a few things since the unexpected election of Donald J. Trump as president. It was a severe body blow to the establishment. The Ruling Class has been apoplectic ever since that day in November of 2016 to the point that their media and Hollywood puppets no longer pretend to be objective. They hate the Big Bad Orange man and by extension all of us who voted for him rather the Her. Three plus years of one hoax after another. Not just “fake news”, but lies and projection. Trump – Russia. Trump had no dealings of substance with Russia, but the DNC and Hillary did with a fake dossier – from a British spy – which led to a FISA warrant now deemed illegal – and giving the FBI and other “deep state” intelligence operatives like Strozk and his lover Page – Comey – and others the “legal” authority to spy on hapless Carter Page, and most importantly Trump and his associates.
Then there was the lie, the hoax of Ukraine “quid pro quo”. Huh? Last I checked any agreement, whether casual or formal has what lawyers call “consideration” and quid pro quo. You do something, and I’ll do something. Scratch my back and you…you get the picture. But the nasty little joke is that when the Dems and the Deep State accuse YOU of something, you can be sure THEY have in fact done that very thing. Actually, the potentially “illegal” quid pro quo was Joe threatening Ukraine to protect his coke head kicked out of the Navy son Hunter. Fine boy. Great resume. No skills, but he made lots of money from the Ukraine in the energy business without any experience. He made even more in China in Private Equity – a whopping $1.5 Billion – and yes, no experience there either. America’s a great place if your old man is VP under Obama. In fact, your whole family can benefit. Just like the good old days in Al Capone run Chicago or is that Daly run Chicago? Pretty much the same thing. It’s just the crime family moved from booze to politics. Kinda like the Kennedy crime family. The Clinton crime family. But I digress.
Circling back, at this point you’re probably wondering how I can connect a Star Trek character to Obama. Some of you folks probably already know, just hold on a bit while I connect more dots. Chicago is a toddling town according to Sinatra, but it was also home to one of the most infamous gangsters of all time – Al Capone. The guy was really slippery. Ness and the Untouchables at the FBI couldn’t bring the bastard crook down until some four eyed accountant figured he paid no income tax – so they finally got the slippery bastard on income tax evasion. What’s funny about Chicago is this is where crime and politics start to connect. A radical student at the University of Chicago actually wanted to study Capone’s criminal tactics. His name was Saul Alinsky. Many years later he wrote his masterpiece Rules for Radicals and established himself as the “Father of Community Organizers”. Now, some of you are starting to see the connection. If you net out the basics, the extortion that was so successful for Capone is not that different from the radical doctrine of Alinsky. Alinsky’s rules are more formalized – after all he’s got a Phd – but what Community Organizers ultimately do is to intimidate and extort money or concessions from those in power. Unlike the dope head losers in San Francisco with “flowers in their hair” – these Chicago community Organizers were extorting money and power.
And that is where the birth of Obama as Chicago community organizer comes in. If you are a radical leftist boomer in the 60s – you have a choice – to either continue your radical ways in Hollywood, the Media or now Chicago Community Organizing politics. The rest of us grew up became independents or Republicans. Some of us changed our names from Weiner to Savage and coined terms like Govt Media Complex and ranted for three hours a day on radio. Most of us just tried to raise a family and become good American citizens.
Now, I know some of you are going – where’s the connection with Seven of Nine. Ok. Cool your jets. Seven of Nine was played by former Miss Illinois, Jeri Zimmerman. Some of you are shaking your heads. Jeri who? I thought her name was Jeri Ryan. Yes, until she met and married Jack Ryan. Not that Jack Ryan from the movie and books. The real Jack Ryan was a former Governor and former husband of Jeri – hence, her name on Star Trek Voyager – Jeri Ryan. And for those of us who appreciate female pulchritude – let me simply say, that they poured that beautiful girl into one of the most distractingly tight body suits in the history of TV. To make the geek factor work even more – she was part Borg/computer assimilated – you remember “resistance if futile” – and part human – and she was the ultimate fantasy for any Trek loving geek who fantasized about being with a beautiful woman with a computer brain. Enough said. But in 2004, Jack was running against an unknown community organizer state senator for one of the two Illinois national senate seats. But several things happened that year that took this unknown state senator and gave him national prominence. The Hollywood radical media had found a star. They made sure he gave the most prominent speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention. And he delivered. And for that, the radical media delivered. Though Jack Ryan, being a former well known and respected Governor was in the middle of nasty divorce from- you guessed it – Jeri Seven of Nine – who was at least a ten in that body suit – but I digress again. It was rumored that Jack was a bit kinky and during the divorce proceedings, the settlement sealed some of his kinkier stuff, like wanting to take Jeri to sex clubs or some such things. Like Obama’s transcripts from college that show conclusively that he was not a B- student, sealed by Haaavad Law Dean Kagan who got her quid pro and quo – now Supreme Court Judge – well respected lefty on the court – these transcripts from the divorce trial were also sealed. But somehow, Ryan’s became unsealed and poor Jack was made to look like the pervert he and most of Congress are. So, Barack won the senate seat, became our first black president, and the dots were all connected – the Govt, Media, Complex.