The New York Post just posted a scary article that frightens me worse than bombs landing in America’s heartland. Scares me worse than the scariest movie ever produced in Hollywood. Worse than being forced to watch a 12-hour marathon viewing of the hags haggle on the View. I mean worse than even the Wuhan Chinese Plague – A Sleepy Creepy Joe and Michelle my belle Obama democrat ticket for President. Scary. Possible. And why is that so scary? Because sleepy creepy Joe is a total loser and idiot. Empty suit smooth tongued Hussein would be back accelerating America’s decline following the huge economic and emotional hit after the Chinese plague. And Michelle. What a work she is. Michelle is an America hater who would be happy to see it decline while her fellow American hating elitists on the illiberal left prosper. Gates, Bezos, Oprah, and all left-wing Globalist billionaires continue to prosper while America declines. That’s the View I see if this ticket ran and won. Do you think the deplorables will stand for this? Will the illiberal left believe the liars in the Globalist Chinese Democrat Press? Of course, they will. But if it happens, the mild protests we see now with people rightly fed up with the lock down will be nothing by comparison. There are more guns in this country than people, and I expect quite a few of them will be directed at those traitors in the Media and Government who betrayed them. I strongly suggest that these scoundrels start beefing up security now. If Creepy Joe and Hussein’s spouse win in November, as Bette Davis warned us in All About Eve – “fasten your seat belts it’s gonna be a bumpy ride”.