That smug schmuck Brooks at the NY Times recently said he’s now a fan of “Federalism” because he essentially is on the left’s bandwagon of criticizing Trump and his team’s response to the Chinese caused pandemic. Brooks and all the liars at the NYTimes are suspect of being essentially paid propagandists supporting the Chicoms. No doubt the Chicoms took that into consideration when they unleashed the Chinese Plague on the US and the world. I know that’s a conspiracy only wing nuts like me are willing to suggest. But as they say, it isn’t a conspiracy if it’s true.
Makes me laugh how the illiberal left, and that goes for Globalists calling themselves republicans, say they like the Constitution or Federalism when it suits them. What they really love is their authoritarian agenda, which makes the elite ruling class extremely wealthy and the Democrat Socialist politicians more controlling and powerful. And they’re OK with tyranny as long as it was someone named Wilson or FDR – but not so much if Trump is exercising his “executive” Constitutional authority over the States. In the end, Trump has pulled back from the “absolute authority” claim, but if this comes to a real war, and if the real story about China’s bio-weapon attack on the US and the world becomes public – Trump will indeed be able to wield more power than just calling this a national emergency. We may in fact be on the brink of a World War with China and their allies – maybe Russia, NK, and although most of the EU will demure except perhaps England, I have a feeling Japan and the US will not if the evidence is incontrovertible. It may be, like the last Great Depression, the only thing that actually gets our economy and the rest of the world rolling again. The Chicoms better hope that the cat or should we say the bat, is not let out of the bag.