There has been only one true American Revolution. But there are strong political forces that consider the principles of our founding old and out dated. They consider themselves modern American Revolutionaries. They look at America and the middle class as war mongering, racist, and in need of a radical transformation by an all powerful Big Government of wise philosopher kings and the minions of supporters and foot soldiers from community organizations. They are in an undeclared war against the status quo and the American middle class.
America has become a stable civil society over the last two hundred years, but that does not mean that our fundamental individual rights and freedoms are secure. They are not. With the election of Barack Obama it is fair to say that these radical forces are winning the battle of ideas. This ideological war has been going on for over a century, perhaps since the mid 19th Century with the ideas of Karl Marx, but we can mark our present battle beginning in earnest with the 1971 publication of a small book by Saul Alinsky (1909-1972) Rules for Radicals. Alinksy is also known as the father of community organizers. His influence on our new president is well documented.
Although Barack Obama and the other community organizers may not openly admit it for political reasons, they consider themselves not only Radicals but also societal revolutionaries. Alinksy and his Radical followers, however, are better described as counter revolutionaries fighting against the status quo and the resultant society created by our original American Revolution. They are at war with our founding principles and it is time that Americans wake up to this fact.
It is also fair to say that with the ascent of Barack Obama to the Presidency, Saul Alinsky and his radical counter revolutionary movement has won a significant battle for the soul of America. Not to be alarmist, but America is in jeopardy of becoming a footnote in history if she does not win this war. If America loses this war she will invariably become another failed experiment in implementing a free and open democratic republic in a world of tyrannical regimes and oppressive governments. And it is shocking that this all happened in less than two decades since the fall of the Communist Soviet Union.
Alinsky was a brilliant tactician and the power of his ideas has been proven by the election of his greatest disciple Barack Obama to the highest office in the land. For those of us who have been awakened by the speed in which Obama and his followers have succeeded in transforming America, the part that Saul Alinsky has played in this drama is quite amazing. Alinsky grew up in Chicago and is hailed as the father of community organizers and Obama does not hide his pride in his Chicago “community organizing” past. In fact it is fair to compare Lenin’s relationship to Marx with Obama and Alinsky. Conservatives can vilify Marx and Alinsky but they would be better served to try to understand these brilliant men rather than dismissing them and the motivation of the politicians who use their ideas to seek power.
Although it may not be immediately apparent, America is now in real jeopardy of a full fledged second revolution. Some have suggested we are at the brink of a civil war, but it may be more accurate to look at the similarities between today and the forces at work as more analogous to the Revolutionary War.
At the present we have had a mostly quiet transition to radical socialism, because it has been done under the cover of a complicit press and government education monopoly, but as more Americans wake up to the radical “transformative” policies of Obama, it may not stay that way. This is especially true if Obama continues to be successful in pushing through social and economic policies aimed at destroying the fundamental principles of this country and the wealth and standard of living of the vast American middle class.
It is my sincerest hope that Obama is slowed in his rush to take over the major instrumentalities of American government, because if he is successful the inevitable result will be armed conflict. Unlike other countries that have been lulled into a takeover by the tyrants who use lies of a socialist utopia with little or no resulting armed revolt, America’s armed citizens are not defenseless against tyrants. Also there may be at least a third or more of the population willing to rise up in rebellion if that is the only option left open to them. This portends a less than peaceful response if radical forces are successful in their coup. Also, there may come a point where many in the military have to choose between blind loyalty to a radical counter culture commander in chief or fighting with the true American Revolutionaries. It is my deepest wish that it does not come to that, but one would have to be in total denial to think that all Americans will simply roll over once they understand what is happening to them.
In essence we are continuing the Revolution of our founding. We are the descendants of freedom loving Revolutionaries and we are now fighting the new tyrannical policies of radicals who are well on their way to taking over our country. In 1776, this revolution was forced on us by a capricious Monarch who levied unbearable taxation and other intolerable policies which inevitably led to the original Boston Tea Party – a rebellion that told the tyrannical King George that we would not stand for “taxation without representation”. Today the radicals and their lackeys in the media dismiss our “tea party” rebellion and protests, but they have not seen anything yet. They are waking up the sleeping giant and there will not be a peaceful resolution unless they back off. It is my sincerest hope that our followers will be able to keep our protests peaceful, but it is not altogether clear that this conflict will always stay that way. Freedom loving people – descendants of our brave Revolutionary founders know that freedom is worth fighting and dying for. Let us hope that we can take back our country without a second bloody revolution.
So when all is said and done the American Patriot may once again be forced to fight a revolution that has morphed from a fight against an oppressive Monarchy in 1776 to a struggle against radical socialist despotism in the early 21st century. Although it can be said the country has been moving slowly toward socialism for almost a century, there always seemed to be a spirit and will in the American people to keep these tyrannical forces from taking over. But with ascendancy of Barack Hussein Obama to the Presidency, an activist judiciary, sycophantic press and a complicit legislative branch, the forces of radical socialism are moving at warp speed to once and for all destroy the middle class and the capitalist engine that has created our extraordinary wealth and power and substitute the failed ideology that has been a primary tool of tyrants –the false utopia of big government socialism.
Whether you want to call yourself a Patriot or true American Revolutionary to the Counter Revolution of the Radical socialists – the goal is the same: return the instrumentalities of government back to “We the People” and fight the forces of darkness and oppression; To build in firewalls and new mechanisms that will prevent the radicals from taking over our great birthright; To make sure that government once again remembers that they work for us – not the other way around.
So who are we fighting? Many of the elitists, advisors and surrogates surrounding Obama want to destroy the freedoms and rule of law given to America and the world by our original revolution and substitute their radical tyrannical utopian vision instead. The leaders of this movement like Alinsky himself are essentially quasi-gangster tacticians or counter culture revolutionaries with Law Degrees and PhDs. Ayers is nothing more than a retired terrorist with a PhD. Wright is essentially an anti-American, Anti-Semite preaching a religion of hate and justifying his warped world view by claiming victimhood – all the while hiding behind the cross of Christ. These are the voices that have had and still have great influence over Obama. And of course Alinsky’s community organizers and his rules for radicals are and have been Obama’s greatest influence.
Alinsky’s minions tell us that his rules are derived from many successful campaigns where he helped poor people fighting power and privilege. The fact that Alinsky trained with Al Capone’s gang to learn how to execute these campaigns somehow gets lost in the praise. For Alinsky, organizing is the process of highlighting what is wrong and convincing, or should we say, intimidating people until they can actually do something about it. According to Alinsky, the organizer must first overcome suspicion and establish credibility. Next the organizer must begin the task of agitating and searching out controversy. Alinsky might say, the first step in community organization is community disorganization.
November 2020 – After successfully transforming the Deep State into Globalists, solidifying the far left’s hold on the education and indoctrination monopoly of State run K-12 and Universities, with the non-stop propaganda of a Globalist Socialist Media monopoly, and most of all radically changing voting rules because of the Scamdemic – the day appears to have arrived where the forces of tyranny have successfully rigged a presidential election. It is not a question of whether or not this will lead to our next Civil War, our next Revolution, it is just a matter of when.
March 30, 2023 – with the Trump indictment – the Biden/Obama/Hillary Govt in full Banana Republic mode – that day seems to be close indeed.