Silencing the opposition works in countries without an armed population…will it work in a country with more guns than people? The left is gleeful. NeoCons are gleeful. Paul Ryan and the Murdoch brats are gleeful. But as Fox stock continues to plummet – maybe not all the shareholders at Fox will feel the same. But Fox has been gradually imploding for years. And I do believe that the die was cast when Dominion was able to extort big bucks from Fox for daring to suggest that the election might have been rigged. What evidence? Dominion didn’t need any – in a Delaware court with a trial dragged out for years and the rest of media calling it one big “Conspiracy”. Not that unlike Trump paying off porn grifter rather than having her being the only story before the 2016 election. Tucker was the ONLY actual prime time Conservative voice – sorry, Laura and Sean – but you both knew better than challenge the Military Industrial Complex or go after Big Tech and Big Pharma and push the envelope. I suspect Tucker will be in for a HUGE pay day from smart investors – Don Lemon – not so much. But Fox Newz. Yes, Cable news is officially dead. And the Groupthink may have you thinking it’s news but rest assured it is only Govt approved propaganda. RIP. The Day the Music died. I mean Cable News died.