A Yahoo article gives us a very specific reason why Russia will inevitably lose to the heroic Ukrainians and their money supporters in the West. In a word – Putin is bad. But wait a sec. On the one hand the writer admits Putin has an 80% approval rating, but that doesn’t mean anything because some number of mercenaries are going to rebel and incite a civil war. Huh? And the other brilliant comment is that as Hitler wisely noted of Russia: “once you kicked in the door, the whole rotten structure would come tumbling down.” Exactly how did that work out for Hitler?
Of course, anything is possible. Some of the territories in Russia could in fact rebel and begin a civil war. But how does that square with Putin’s 80% approval rating?
If the Biden regime has less than 40% approval rating – what does that mean for America? I’d say there’s about double the chance of an American revolution or civil war than civil war in Russia. But after all, these are statistics – and as everyone knows there are lies, damn lies and statistics.
I am independent and have studied history – unlike the folks who swallow the media propaganda here on Yahoo. This war is a product of the same Oligarchs and Deep state that gave us the outcome of the 2020 election. There was no need for Ukrainians or Russians to die if NATO, EU and US did not covet Ukraine and Crimea. Russia is a nuclear superpower, Space, and yes, military superpower. Economically, they are not. But the West’s arrogant leaders like Napoleon and Hitler before them have found out what happens when they attempt to conquer Russia. So the West that couldn’t defeat throwbacks in Afghanistan are going to defeat the country with the largest stockpile of nukes and 5th generation fighter planes? Unlike war mongers who love a country they couldn’t find on a map a couple of years ago, I am for peace – not death and destruction. Funny how the left is for peace when it suits them but now they’re all in for War. In some ways, this unnecessary war is reminiscent of WWI. It could have been avoided…Do we end up with WWIII because of this arrogance and hubris? And as Ukraine runs out of men, women and children to fight – what will they do? Unless the EU and US are willing to man the tanks and planes they sent to Ukraine and begin WWIII in earnest, there is no way for Ukraine to outlast Russia in this conflagration. I can hear Country Joe McDonald re-writing his famous antiwar anthem: And it’s one two three what are Ukrainians fighting for…?