Poor Republicrats. Or is that Demicans? Well, let’s face it, when the so-called Republican party recaptured the House of Representatives after the disastrous first half of the Biden regime, many of us were hopeful that the leaders – McCarthy who managed to sneak into the role of Speaker – and the Chinese puppet McConnell – would give us some push back on the endless wars, the insane spending, the massive inflation, the open borders taking our children with drugs and human smuggling – that these newly elected representatives would at least be a buffer and put up a fight. They did not. And after 3 years of circling the drain, America has recorded yet another historic event – the last of the honest congress folks – said enough is enough – and with the help of the lockstep lemming Dems – laughing all the way down Pennsylvania Avenue – booted poor McCarthy from his role as Speaker of the House. Sad. I guess there’ll be no one sitting in that fine leather chair during the next State of Dis-Union event where the illegitimate walking cadaver Biden – will look over his shoulder and see a card board cut out of a future Speaker of the House. That two dimensional piece of card board will in all likelihood have more substance than 99% of the audience of our corrupt cowards who represent us.
I see this “historic event” as a positive. Many so-called Conservatives – especially those who want to stay employed on Fox Newz – are appalled. Gutfeld the snarky comic (yes, he has it pretty good – his own show and another one called the Five) is truly appalled. Like their pathetic counterpart on Always Broadcasting Commies Network – Da View – they condemned this act of bravery while ridiculing all Republicans – even those that carry their water. The Repubs of the Uniparty just shot themselves in the foot says the snarky comic on Fox!
Nah! I don’t think so. No, a handful of actual honest representatives – said, enough. No more talk. Yes, we are essentially neutered by the corrupt Uniparty media and the weaponized legal system, but we are going to do something. Perhaps, it will be nothing more than shooting ourselves in the foot, but by G-d we are going to show real Americans all 8 of us actually are doing something – even if it is shooting ourselves in the foot. I personally think anything that shakes up a Rino is a net positive – even if Whoopi and Greg finally agree on something.
Last I checked there are 454 Congress folks in DC – and by my count we may have 8 of them that Diogenes would be surprised to find. They may be the last of honest representatives who appear to be neither cowards nor corrupt. A dying breed. And Diogenes has been looking for over two millennia. Of course, this is one event, and most likely when you pull back the curtain, none of them are actually that courageous or honest, but it at least may have slowed Diogenes in his search for an honest person.