Hint: It’s not a bad idea to take the opposition position when someone from the Biden Administration makes a prediction.
Here’s Transportation Secretary and former Mayor of South Bend Indiana whose only real claim to fame is that it gave us the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame. This proud Gay Trans – that would be Transportation Secretary – doubts that β… Americans in 2050 are still going to be driving that old technology, that combustion technology that we inherited from the 20th century.β Hmm. So, every car on the road in 2050 is going to be an EV? Not a hard one to debunk.
Bloomberg and “Fuel Freedom Foundation” predicts that by 2050, there will be about 3 billion light-duty vehicles on the road worldwide, up from 1 billion now. At least half of them (probably more) will be powered by internal combustion engines (ICE), using petroleum-based fuels. As many as 2 Billion will be Combustion (including Hybrid). About 600 million EVs, and the rest will be alternate fuel (natural gas, etc.). Pete and the rest are merely blowing “smoke” with their unfounded estimates. Did you get that little dig – “blow smoke”? OK, so it was a bit heavy handed, but I have to dumb things down in my attempt to communicate with recent College educated drones of the illiberal left. There is a fossil fuel infrastructure today that cannot support all EVs and keep the lights on too. That’s just a bit too difficult to correct in a few decades. Sure, we could start building more nuclear power plants and hydroelectric plants and probably get there in a couple of decades, but these fools in charge are indeed going in exactly the opposite direction – more solar farms and wind farms – not an infrastructure for the grid that will actually sustain our growing population. Don’t get me wrong – if we had a national policy to put solar on every eligible house or commercial building in the city – that would help a lot. But that’s now how these folks work. They are building bird butchering wind farms that freeze up in the winter and don’t produce squat for electricity. The Solar farms in the desert also destroy local wildlife and only the most corrupt environmentalist thinks solar farms are a good idea for desert habitat or this planet.
Let’s get real. The Green deal scam is purely there to make chosen political supporters rich and punish others who don’t play their game. And the idiot drones in college who like the ones who mindlessly support the mass rapists and terrorists from Oct 7, simply have been brainwashed to shout rhyming hate speech – not much value – Shakespeare and the Classics be damned!
Oddly the only EV maker who actually has a sustainable profitable business model – Tesla – is being punished because the Owner of the Company dared to buy Twitter (X) and actually have both political sides able to post comments. I suspect Tesla will be fine when Pete is long gone and simply another bad joke from a rather dismal period in US history. Then again, the illiberal locusts of the left are very good at replacing one Alfred E. Newman look a like for another…after all, this one started this “fundamental transformation”: