From a post on Breitbart:
Most seniors who depend on life saving meds like I do, have a love hate with Big Pharma. I have two very new high-priced medications for my heart condition – each one would cost over $700 per month. Without them I literally could die. Being able to acquire these expensive medications may in fact determine whether I live or die.
And based on the steep price of these medication, if I can no longer get a discount, I could die. The joke now is that since I’ve started taking these life saving medications, I am healthy enough to work part time – but, I make just enough money NOT to qualify for their assistance program. Since I have just a tiny bit of savings and I’m on a fixed social security income – over half of my social security check would go to just to pay for these two meds! One drug company auto renewed by request to get in their free program – but the other put me under a microscope and told me I did not qualify for their program because I worked and made $200 over their income limit. I have Medicare. I pay for a Plan G supplemental that covers most hospitalization. I pay for Part D – that will pay for generics meds that won’t help me but it doesn’t cover the medications I need.
I have lived in the SF Bay area house we own for over 30 years – and though we have no mortgage – our bills are astronomical – the PGE (utilities) can be as much as $1,000 just to heat the house in the winter. Getting the picture. This massive inflation since Biden took office nuked our energy independence when they went all in for the Green Deal scam – Big Pharma’s greed during the Covid scamdemic – has now made many seniors have to choose between paying for food (prices that have skyrocketed under Obama Biden), heating the house, or paying for life saving medications. It’s not exactly a Death Panel – but the end result is the same.