It has occurred to me that with the death of actual Journalism, as evidenced by the fact that Tucker Carlson, an actual “Journalist” with the top rated show on Cable was booted by the so-called conservative outlet Fox News, has been roundly criticized by all the rest of the media and especially “Social Media” where the venom is extremely strong for having the temerity to travel to Russia and interview the only person the illiberal locusts of the left and the Globalists hate more than Donald Trump – Vlad the Cad Putin.
Question: What do you call one political side that uses biased judges and political hacks to harm the leader of the opposition in an attempt to prevent him from running? A Banana Republic. The nasty partisans who support this Banana Republic do not care. They base their animus on feelings and their anti-Capitalist, anti-American fundamental values bias. After generations of public school indoctrination, the Marxists and Globalist cabal are in control. The plan is to simply do away with capitalists unless they benefit the Globalists – that is, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Hollywood, are OK as long as they support the Ruling Class – then force the vast majority of the population into some sort of Govt job – University, Public Schools, Local, State, Fed – and to eventually have all Big Biz with special tax benefits swallow up small businesses. But if you’re a good Prol – you can open a store on Amazon and sell Chinese made goods to make the Chinese and Bezos wealthier.
One response to my comment I left on Yahoo above was – “wow – all you left out was the deep state boogeyman.”
To that I replied: The Deep state is a bit redundant. We now inhabit a dying Banana Republic made up of Big Govt/Big Business tyrants. My first insight into the under belly of Big Tech – was the consolidation of tech as a small company I worked for was purchased by one of the Tech Giants during the rise of the Internet – Cisco Systems – now just Cisco. The CEO, Chambers, was a Republican I believe – but like all good Oligarchs – I don’t think he really cared much which party was in power as long as he got his. One of his favorite sayings at Company Meetings – “We just want our UNFAIR share of the market!” Back in the day of Teddy R – there were Trust busters who at least attempted to right the inequity of out of control “Capitalists”. Today Big Govt, Big Tech, are all on the same page. They get their unfair share and instead of a growing middle class of capitalists – we have dwindling middle class and growing serf class all sharing in the misery.
Not to worry Big Govt, Big Tech, Big Media – it’s all good. You don’t have journalists anymore or Trust busters to worry about – we have Mob Rule by Social Media…