At CPAC – Conservative get together where actual free Americans can voice their opinions about novel ideas like Declaration of Independence, God, and the Constitution – and where the audience will applaud for God and Country. They do things like say prayers and a pledge of allegiance to the flag before the meetings. All of this is very upsetting to Marxist Globalist cabal running things today – the illiberal locusts of the left.
A rather ill advised conspiracy theorist was heard to say something about “overthrowing” democracy. Well, I assume he’s not a total nut job and meant the kind of mob rule democracy that we have today in America – the kind that leads to the elimination of the checks and balances we have that make this country a Representative Republic and not a Pure Democracy. But no doubt that kind of statement without context is “red meat” for the “blue states”. If he meant make sure we never have a “pure democracy” – well, I am with him. I’ll be interested in seeing how much play the illiberal left will have with this. They and the Rino right love that word democracy. It worked so well when we overthrew Saddam and gave a nation of throwbacks the right to vote! I prefer the word Republic with checks and balances myself.
Pure Democracy is why the founders and framers of the Constitution gave us a Representative Republic. Mob rule led ancient Rome and Greece to anarchy and tyranny. That is very well explained by Publius aka Hamilton, Madison and Jay in the Federalist Papers. We have three co-equal branches of govt – a SCOTUS appointed for life – an Executive branch – and 2 branches of the Legislature. The Senate originally was appointed by the States – and the 17th amendment pushed by the Progressive racist Wilson was and is a mistake and the first of many bad ideas by the illiberal left to move this country closer to mob rule than one where the people in rural states can counter the mob rule of a few cities like SF, LA or NY. The electoral college is another annoyance of the left that helps protect the Republic from the mob rule of the concentrated elites. Democracy means nothing if it is not protected by checks and balances. Thank you Montesquieu! Franklin’s response to Elizabeth Willing Powel’s question after the completion of the Constitution: “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” – “a Republic if you can keep it.” Right now it’s hanging by a thread.