BF: The abortion issue is a moral one. Yes, we are at a time when a woman can CHOOSE to flush a life down the toilet with no fuss no muss. An abortion pill that you can get online is perhaps even more insidious than just the endless propaganda that killing a million babies a year is “healthcare” for women. Perhaps, there should be some thought and soul searching when taking a life. The decision to do away with Roe and applying it to the ability to acquire an “abortion” pill simply means that each state has the right to make its own ruling on legalizing this drug that kills babies in the womb. I suppose a woman could get this pill on Amazon along with their drug of choice – Fentanyl, Heroin…anything goes right? Of course, if there’s no fuss no muss – how could it be murder – right?
Yahoo: No one is killed in a safe, medically supervised abortion. Only about 6% of Americans believe abortion is murder and your small minority opinion has been duly noted and dismissed by the vast majority that disagree. Every woman/girl who seeks to end a pregnancy should have respect for her decision.
BF: Abortion does end a life, so what do you call it? So, you judge whether a life ended in the womb is right or wrong on whether the “mob” or doctors who have a monetary incentive to perform a “procedure” agrees with you? I do not believe in abortion, but I accept the Constitution when appropriately applied as a state’s right issue. Abortion is clearly not a moral act – it is fundamentally “immoral”. For the most part, it is an act of convenience except in a very small minority of cases. But the Constitution and our legal system after Roe – a really bad law that was overturned – means that every state has the right to make it legal for a woman to end that life in her womb. Only a tiny minority of abortions are made due to the threat to the mother’s life, so, no, I do not think abortion is moral unless it is performed under that one stipulation. Then again, I don’t believe in slavery either, but our courts legalized it in the famous Dred Scott Case – so you may feel good about abortion on demand because it’s legal – and the mob and greedy doctors may agree with you – but that doesn’t make it moral.
Yahoo: Roe was the compromise. It was right in 1973, and it is right now. In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decided that the right to privacy implied in the 14th Amendment protected abortion as a fundamental right. However, the government retained the power to regulate or restrict abortion access depending on the stage of pregnancy. The Court ruled that the woman’s liberty right (right to control whether or not she is pregnant) is stronger than the state’s interest in the fetus’ life up until a certain point in the pregnancy. That point is the “point of viability” – when the fetus could survive on its own outside of the womb. After the point of viability, the state’s interest in protecting the fetus outweighs the woman’s choice to terminate her pregnancy. After the point of viability, the Court ruled, a state can prohibit women from getting abortions.
BF: Roe was overturned correctly. So, no, Roe is no longer the law of the land. Please try to accept that you might have to go to one of 20 or 30 states – to legally flush a life down the drain on demand one in the 3rd trimester – or perhaps just be able to crush the baby’s skull if it survives the abortion – some call that “infanticide” but nothing is off limits to this cult of death. How inconvenient that you can no longer get this kind of service in every state. Drone on to justify the morally unjustifiable, but there is no moral case for abortion – just a legal one based on the Constitution and the laws of the land at this time in history.
Yahoo: Trump now wants a 15 or 16 week ban nationally. Abortion is an essential component of women’s health care. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), with over 57,000 members, maintains the highest standards of clinical practice and continuing education for the nation’s women’s health physicians. Abortion care is included in medical training, clinical practice, and continuing medical education. Induced abortion is an essential component of women’s health care. Like all medical matters, decisions regarding abortion should be made by patients in consultation with their health care providers and without undue interference by outside parties. Like all patients, women obtaining abortion are entitled to privacy, dignity, respect, and support. Abortion can be safe for women/girls who want to end a pregnancy. Unsafe abortion is one of the five leading causes of maternal mortality, and the only one that is preventable.
BF: There you go – Trump and a 15 week ban. How draconian! Today, an embryo can survive outside the womb after 20 weeks. OK, let’s make it 20 weeks. Satisfied? Of course not. You no doubt want unlimited abortions – beyond the 3rd trimester perhaps. In some legal systems that would be called “infanticide”. Here, it is Democrat Marxist policy. So, flushing an unborn down the drain is OK with the ACOG and their 57,000 members – an abortion might save the life of a woman. But you can’t be serious that a million abortions per year is “healthcare”. The odds of some of them ending badly is in the huge numbers. I believe that the weakest among us deserve a voice. That is as good a definition of morality as I can think of… The illiberal left talks a good game about Children and the elderly – and how those evil conservatives don’t care – that we want to cut social security or services for children – but for me, that is not the case. How can you be for children when your policy on abortion ends the life of a million potential children every year? The hidden evil in the left’s economic policies is the most damaging tax on the poor and elderly on social security and fixed incomes – outrageous Inflation – costing an average household well over $10,000 per year. And Big Pharma is demanding high prices on those life saving meds that seniors need that are not covered by Medicare – the choice comes down to paying for inflated food prices, heating the house or paying for those life saving meds. No, the left talks a good game but delivers poverty. Given policies on abortion and euthanasia – the illiberal left is essentially a death cult.
Yahoo: Access to abortion is access to healthcare for women/girls. To continue a pregnancy, women should be physically, mentally, emotionally and financially prepared to for the outcome. That judgment can and should be made with medical professionals. Ultimately that decision should be made by women/girls in conjunction with their health care providers. “I believe that the weakest among us deserve a voice. “Among the “weakest” are teens who have an unwanted/unintended pregnancy. No embryo is “among us.” And no zygote, embryo, or fetus has “a voice” transcending the voice if its host. Your notion of “morality” is not relevant to that of a pregnant woman/girl. Nor should you attempt to force your notions on them. “potential children” are NOT children. “euthanasia” has no relevance to access to healthcare for women/girls. Women’s/girls’ lives are protected through access to safe, medically supervised abortion. Pregnancy/childbirth is the 6th leading cause of death for females 15-34 in the USA. (CDC 2017)”Death cult” is a figment of imagination. Access to abortion is about saving lives of women/girls.
BF: Ignore the life in the womb is how you justify the act – but to some of us the millions of abortions on demand since Roe is nothing short of mass murder. I do believe that you cannot legislate morality – especially in this immoral country. So, though I don’t agree with any abortion unless it is to save the life of the mother – I do not believe the govt has the right to make that decision. The Govt should indeed not be deciding one way or another about an abortion – but I do think when we get to the 3rd trimester and when the fetus can survive outside the womb – the govt does have the right to prevent infanticide – just as it has laws on the books about murder. Medical professionals? After the Covid disgrace – our Medical professionals – especially those connected with the govt – no longer have the trust of a good portion of the population. Big Pharma has convinced many so-called medical professionals to mislead the public and change the definition of things like vaccines. Yes, it is the woman’s right to do whatever her conscience dictates, but I’d prefer she consult with priests or rabbis instead of doctors on this moral issue.
Conclusion: Some of us feel that abortion is the only issue the failed Biden administration has that gives him a chance of re-instatement…The only wise thing for a Constitutional conservative to do with moral convictions – is to accept the fact that the Govt cannot legislate morality – we tried and failed with prohibition – the wise course for the GOP will be to take the moral high ground and state that whereas women do have the right to kill their babies up to viability outside the womb – that is, the law can only apply to banning abortions when it becomes “infanticide” – but rather than advocating that the decision should be made between a woman and “doctor” – it might be a better decision given the corruption in a govt medical complex – to advocate that women consult with their priests or rabbis instead.