Good news! Now that the 51 Spooks who lied about Hunter’s Laptop being Russian Disinformation are back on the Democrat payroll – I’m quite sure the Democrats and the Unelected Buearacrats who actually run America will have no problem confusing the ignorant American electorate and once again steal the Presidential election for Obama’s senile puppet. Of course, Commie News Network and MSLSD and others are working overtime to convince their loyal listeners that all that talk about Biden being lost at the recent G7 is “misinformation” – that he’s with it and quite ready for his debate with Trump.
No doubt, they’re counting on a low bar for Biden. Essentially if he remains vertical and in one place for the debate – CNN anchors will make sure to talk over Trump and make sure that no matter how illogical and incoherent Biden is – they will nod in approval and declare him the winner. If Biden completely tanks the debate – he’ll still be declared the winner – and Trump will be declared a Bully and all the lying talking heads will sing the praises of four more years…oy vey!
And Biden, win or lose – and we know the Deep State won’t let him lose, Hunter will soon be back smoking crack and knocking up hookers and failing to pay them child support. And in the unlikely event that the Biden Crime family has to turn the keys to the Kingdom Jan 20 over to big bad Orange man – I’m sure they’ll squeeze a few more pay for play deals from Ukraine, China, Iran or a whole host of countries that don’t give a fig about America.