It all started when I saw an article on Yahoo trying to tell us that there was no inflation the last four years under Obama’s puppet(s) and that Trump was the cause of our economic malaise. Or in some cases, they try to tell you that things are great! So my initial response: Bull. only…
Author: bill fox
Russian Dissed Information
Obama’s Faulty Remote Control!
We see it time and again. He walks off stage the wrong way. He slips on Air Force One steps. He falls off his bicycle. He spaces out in a catatonic stare for minutes while everyone is dancing. And yes, at the G7 – they’re in the process of calling this year’s event G6 since…
More Russian Disinformation?
Good news! Now that the 51 Spooks who lied about Hunter’s Laptop being Russian Disinformation are back on the Democrat payroll – I’m quite sure the Democrats and the Unelected Buearacrats who actually run America will have no problem confusing the ignorant American electorate and once again steal the Presidential election for Obama’s senile puppet….
America Either Self Corrects in November or the Result May Be WW3
Orban in Hungary seems to be the only major political leader in the EU with the courage and insight to publicly support Trump during his inquisition and Stalinist show trial verdict in Neuvo York. Profile in Courage – Trump has big balls – and what’s left of this corrupt Judicial system better self correct soon…
The November Selection
I know they tell us there will be a Presidential “election” Tuesday November 5. Don’t believe it. Like the last time, we could have a November “selection”. But hopefully, that won’t happen. But it is true that we have states that have no way to prove citizenship other than say a utility bill when a…
Russian Roulette in Ukraine
Oliver Stone won two Oscars (Director and Screen Writing) giving us a gritty, memorable anti Viet Nam war movie Platoon. His other Viet Nam movie – Born on the Fourth of July was pretty darn good too. But up until now, Stone has been a hard-core lefty – and admitted he did what virtually all…
Mirror Mirror on the Wall – Who is the Most Evil of Them All?
Soros vs. Obama? Obama “fundamental transformation”. He didn’t like post Civil Rights America. Had radical ties to Alinsky and Marxists – “ideological” change seems to be his game. In the end, he may not like middle America – white America – but he somehow spends most of his time in the elitist lily white Martha’s…
Updated Political Tree
Raw Power is the Only Language They Actually Speak
NASA is quite pleased that Boeing is finally going to launch a manned (the PC crowd says “crewed” – and that’s crude if you ask me). Anyway, May 6, 2024 is the tentative day that finally Boeing will begin to compete with SpaceX for sending men and material (and a female or two – but…