According to a hit piece from the Guardian, big bad orange man, is not really a moral man and therefore the Christian case to support Trump is a “thin read”. Hmmm. So, what is a Christian? Does a Christian only support those of us without sin? No. As is so often quoted by honorable men…
Stay Home and Die
Sorry, to break it to you but all of you folks that played by the rules of THIS Ruling Class and obeyed the edict to stay home were screwed. The recent New York statistic on the draconian lock down is damning. 66% of all people hospitalized in New York were staying at home. Another 18%…
More Evidence They Got it ALL Wrong
So Fredo’s brother Andrew Cuomo gave us another stunning piece of evidence of just how wrong our experts were with regards to the Wuhan plague. 66% or a solid two thirds of ALL hospitalizations came from people who were staying HOME. Another 18% came from Nursing homes – a total of 84%! What? You mean,…
Governor Andrew Cuomo Has Blood on His Hands
It is a simple fact; Governor Andrew Cuomo gave an executive order to house Covid-19 Wuhan Plague positive elders in Nursing Homes and has blood on his hands. Perhaps 20% or more of ALL Covid19 deaths occurred in these nursing homes and thousands may have been saved if Cuomo had the common sense that the…
They Got it ALL Wrong
You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to think that most of the Western World got it all wrong with the Wuhan plague. The latest is the simple fact that 80% or more the ventilators do NOT seem to be effective. Why? We don’t know. Perhaps by the time a patient requires one it…
Humpty Dumpty USA
I read on my favorite TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) site where a person disagreed when Trump said he has been the most abused president since Lincoln. Actually, he has. In most ways, more. For one thing, unlike Lincoln who shut down those papers who disagreed with him, Trump has done nothing to stop the…
Dear Californians and Fellow Americans – It is Time to End the Lock Down
Dear Californians and Fellow Americans – It is Time to End the Lock Down. It is my opinion and now even the corrupt lying WHO confirms that the Swedish model that did NOT have a full lock down, but instead only mitigated the elderly and most vulnerable was the right way to go. It is…
Fauci Is a Fraud
Fauci is a fraud. He has a long list of getting it wrong. He defended Hillary’s screw up in Benghazi. He defended Tedros the sock puppet of China – who lied about the virus NOT being transmitted from human to human. First he said the virus can’t be transmitted to humans. Ooops, yes it can….
Chris Wallechevsky Says that Flynn Lied – So Why Defend Him?
Yes, Flynn may have covered up for some reason or perhaps he literally didn’t remember – but if lying was a criminal offense – everyone in Congress and most of the media hacks would be in jail. So, what about you Wallechevsky – you ever cover up for a story and bent the truth –…
Mr. Aftershave Is Taking Heat for Calling those who Favor Continued Lock Downs “Fascists”
Musk is not my favorite person, but compared to the other billionaires that make the news, this guy’s a saint. Whenever I think of him, I think of his solar panel Company Solar City that I nicknamed “Souless City”. I don’t even like those noiseless battery powered Testla cars. I still like the roar of…