Why is everything a knock on Trump? At this point we have no idea if the mortality rate of this virus is worse than regular flu since we have hardly tested anyone. The early evidence is that severely infirm elderly are the major victims to not survive. Everyone else seems to be going through similar…
Where’s Hunter?
Don Jr. wants to debate Hunter. That would be great fun but don’t expect the coke head kicked out of the Navy son of a Joe to do anything but hide out. Don’t expect the Democrat media to encourage it. I suppose it would be great fun but not for Joe if such a thing…
Blood Running In the Streets
Corona Conspiracy maybe. Is China doing this on purpose? Is TDS so out of control on the Dem Socialist left they’re willing to burn down the house to get rid of Trump? Either answer is plausible. But in all likelihood, this panic was manufactured or at least blown out of proportion for political reasons. After…
Is There Such a Thing as a Democratic Socialist? A Critique of Bernie’s Proposals
Many folks are quite happy with Bernie Sander’s being called a Democratic Socialist, but I have only one response – it is a meaningless label. Bernie is a socialist. Bernie’s brand of socialism shouts Marxism. Bernie’s policies and programs if implemented would give him the same kind of powers seen by the likes of Lenin,…
Who’s the Autocrat – Bernie or Trump?
Bernie had a rally today in the home of those famous Chicago Gangsters, Al Capone, Saul Alinsky, and Barak Hussein Obama. He was greeted by 15,000 or so mostly marijuana toking millennials feeling the Bern! He got them all excited by calling Trump an autocrat. There was hush over the crowd as 15,000 ignorant government…
Corona Virus Conspiracy – Will They Burn Down the Country to Defeat Trump?
I know, I know, another conspiracy theory. Surely the Democrats and those on the left would not consider destroying the economy simply to win the Oval — or would they? Let’s start with recent events. As expected, Gavin Minimus Maximus of the Marxist Republic of Mexifornia, declared a state of emergency – with a few…
Now That Bumbling Biden is the Presumptive Dem Nominee – Trump Biden Debate Will Be Like Tyson Fury Fighting a Paraplegic
Let’s be real Dems – Bernie could debate Trump and hold his own. Their commonality – they’re both over 70 and still sharp. The difference – one’s an America loving Capitalist – the other an America hating Communist calling himself by something that just doesn’t exist – you are a socialist or you are not….
Millionaire Bernie the Bug-Eyed Bolshevik Doesn’t Like Billionaires
The elite Bug-Eyed hand waving Bolshevik with three Houses – is a clear and present danger to the survival of this Republic. He is a Marxist plain and simple. There is no such thing as Democratic Socialism. He honeymooned in Moscow. He has great things to say about the fascist thug Castro who murdered 14,000…
Chuck “Al Capone” Schumer Threatens Justices on the Supreme Court
Schumer has shown the true colors of the illiberal locusts of the left – they are thugs and gangsters – and he needs to be disbarred and reprimanded. Imagine if Trump or any GOP member of Congress had threatened a member of any court let alone the Supreme Court on a decision that was yet…
Mathews Finally Gets Close to the Truth and He is Fired at MS-NBC
Mathews of MS-NBC, MS-LSD, MS-DNC – has retired suddenly. When he lied about Trump – calling him a Nazi. No big deal. But now! He had the nerve to side with the moderate Dems and compare Bernie to the Nazis. Wow, the illiberal locusts of the left are now eating their own – actually that…