America is at a crossroads. Are we going to become just another tyrannical one party Govt that only benefits the elite and ignores the people? In 1776, we had a Revolution to escape from our masters in England and George III. Today, we have a new tyrant, or should I say, a Uniparty of Tyrants, that ignore our foundational principles – and first among them – the simple but oh so powerful notion of FREE SPEECH. Let’s not mince words. Those who are against FREE SPEECH are not your friends. Yes, you may like their ideas. Yes, you might think that gender is fluid. You might think that they are on the side of those folks who have been marginalized by society. But they are NOT your friends. The elite are in it for power and money. Whether they call themselves Democrats or Republicans. I do not care about what they say. I care what they do. Do they stand up for our Bill of Rights or do they attack it? Do they think average Americans are “white supremacists” or do they think “All men are created equal”? Yes, America has a racist past. Yes, America had slavery. But so did every country on the planet. Name one that didn’t and a win a Kewpie Doll. America has now become a racist nation again. Not to Black or Brown or other non Caucasian Americans. Today, White America is under attack by the Uniparty. A party made up of all Democrats and a hand full of nasty so-called Republicans. They are all in for selling out America to China while pointing the finger at Russia. So, because of this, I am quite sure Russia is not our real enemy – though no doubt, during the Cold War – we thought they were. But if we look at recent history of the real wars – WWI and WWII – we were allies – yes, not bosom buddies, but allies. No, I do not trust the EU and Germany. If Germany and the EU think that they can convert Ukraine into a European member and further degrade Russia, I’m sure that’s what they will do. If you are of Jewish heritage, why would you trust Poland or any of these other German satellites who murdered millions. Poland has a stain that is hard to remove – 2 million Jews exterminated. My family was part of that awful moment in history. My parents both born in Warsaw escaped. But how many millions of my fellow Polish Jews are not here because of the evil of German Nazis and their Polish co-conspirators? And Poland is not alone. Why do Russians and Putin not trust the EU? Germany? Poland? How about Finland? Finland? Nice blonde haired Scandinavian progressives? Peace loving folks, right? Not during WWII. Perhaps they felt a territorial grievance from the 30s, but the Fins were not bystanders during WWII. They participated in the siege of St. Petersburg/Stalingrad/Leningrad…over a million civilians starved to death in a 2 year siege. Is Putin justified in turning Ukraine into a bombed out parking lot suitable only for peasants and cock roaches? Probably not. But history, not western propaganda will tell you why he chose to invade. Could this war have been avoided? Sure, but offspring of Hitler, Napoleon and Vikings couldn’t resist trying once more to destroy the Russian empire.