A fellow hiding behind the name of Max made a comment that made your humble servant Bill Fox angry. Is the Uniparty really going to arrest the 45th President on a “Trumped” up charge – pun intended – about his payoff to a grifter porn star? Arresting the leader of the opposition party is what happens in Police States and Banana Republics. Have we fallen that low? It appears so. It all started when one commenter on Breitbart said the following about the prospect of Trump being arrested:
It’s not the 45th President most of us worry about. He’s taken care of himself pretty well so far. I worry about the American citizens held illegally without charges, the American citizens that lose their livelihoods because they didn’t want a vaccination that it turns out didn’t actually work as promised and all of the people that are victimized by our “Government” that lack Mr. Trump’s considerable resources.
Then Max responded:
On all of this, we agree wholeheartedley. People want to talk about watering the tree of liberty can go eff themselves. Pretenders and cowards. One and all. Change will never come about by the antics of the 45th idiot or what happened on J6. People should come together and peacefully demostrate against the inequities of this current adminsitration. Thats the America I love and fought for. Not rightwing white nationalists that have no business being associated with the GOP and spend most of their time fomenting the seeds of hatred, fear, distrust and anger. I pss on them.
To Max, I replied:
Max, some will want to psss right back on you for using their lies of “white nationalists” and blaming 45 for the J6 protest and inquisition. The people who are the REAL threat to the GOP and America are the War Mongers like Goober Graham, etc. who could care less about our borders but are only too happy to protect Ukraine and other corrupt Oligarchies around the world as long as the Military Industrial Complex keeps on making money and supporting their campaigns. At some point, patriots may have to fight because right now – the Uniparty, their armed unelected 3 letter armies are in control. We didn’t start this – but if this country is to survive as an actual Constitutional Republic – we’ll have to finish it.
I concluded with this:
Unless you fought in WWII – the war you fought in – was a product of a corrupt Military Industrial Complex – and no doubt you have nothing good to say about your experience. War is hell. And I agree that there are those in power who are all too prone to send other people’s kids to war and who have never seen the horror themselves. But this coming Civil War is different. I pray to God it can be avoided, but it seems we no longer live in country where we can settle things at the ballot box when it is all too clear that elections are rigged. That is why there was a protest J6. Our side did NOT have weapons – and the only actual casualty was an unarmed female Air Force Vet murdered by a trigger happy Capitol Cop. We’ve had a few just wars in our history: The Revolutionary War. the Civil War. WWII. Hard to make a case for all the other conflicts where thousands of Americans were killed or maimed. I have no doubt that if somehow Trump wins a “fair” election in 2024, the fiasco in Ukraine will immediately come to an end and the country may avoid massive civil unrest. But if things continue on the present downward spiral of rigged elections, unjust wars and Police State tactics, we will see another civil war. Not a matter of if, just when. Our second Civil War – when it comes – will be our 4th just war.