It seems that our leaders have literally armed our enemies – the “Barbarians at the Gate”.
- The Taliban posted pictures of hundreds of military vehicles abandoned by the US.
- The US abandoned the equipment in its chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.
- The Taliban now claims to have repaired the vehicles and is using them.
I am quite sure most of these folks simply want to have a better life. Some will actually work as serfs. Live in hovels. But then again, some are drug mules bringing Fentanyl sent from China to Mexico to be turned into scentless killers that took about 100,000 American lives last year. The Uniparty – all Democrats and Rinos who work for the Chamber of Crony Socialism – will say immigrants are good for America. Probably they would not be so accepting of millions of illegals if one of their children was killed by a Fentanyl drug OD, or run over by an illegal driver, or say their daughter was killed by an illegal at a pier in San Francisco.
The Face of the All American Hershey’s Chocolate:
The Face of a Transgender Mass Murderer – he, him – IT – Audrey Hale:
It, he, him – under the influence of chemicals and hatred for Christians – should be a Neon Sign warning to America that this Transgender Movement – especially those who have gone after the adolescents and even younger in our society – are Mentally ill. Naturally, our Uniparty walking cadaver talked about AK 47s (huh?), automatic rifles (when the vast majority of gun crimes are executed with hand guns) – not the contents of He, Him, It’s manifesto and why he targeted the arch enemy of the illiberal Marxist Left. Like all destructive atheist movements, they pretend to be God. They NOT God is who can pick their biology. So naturally, Christians who oppose minors getting chemically castrated or have their genitalia mutilated by ghoulish doctors – are the enemy. I wonder what the backlash will ultimately be when it becomes clear that the Barbarians have won? A thousand years of darkness? I predict that this ship of state won’t sink, but “fasten your seat belts, we’re in for a bumpy night”…(Betty Davis, All About Eve). Lot’s of bumpy nights.