It all started when I saw an article on Yahoo trying to tell us that there was no inflation the last four years under Obama’s puppet(s) and that Trump was the cause of our economic malaise. Or in some cases, they try to tell you that things are great!
So my initial response: Bull. only the elites and those connected might have incomes that exceed inflation – a pretty small group – the vast majority of Americans have been hammered by this administration.
Yahoo Ben: No incorrect!!! Most of our problems today can be traced straight back to the failed policies of the Trump administration but you would have to understand basic high school economics to know that!!
BF: I have an MBA from a top Univ. Yes, it sounds like you have indeed a state sanctioned High School education. That’s what Dems and the Ruling elite who are not actually affiliated with any party count on – Economic illiterates who vote. It’s oil – and everything that relies on transportation costs have sky rocketed because your food, energy is not coming from wind and solar – it’s oil – and the first thing Obama’s puppet did was shut down drilling and fund renewables, add endless regulations and that’s a big reason for the inflation.
Ben: Congratulations on the MBA but incorrect on the education level!! I too have post graduate degrees along with many years of study and teaching!! It might be good though for you to go back and take a basic high school economics refresher course though as the problems we have in America today most certainly can be traced straight back to the failed policies of the Trump administration.
BF: Trump’s failed policies – no inflation. no wars. attempted to shut down illegal immigration and build a wall – only partially successful because of Globalists of both parties. But he did anger the illiberal locusts of the left with his mean tweets. Don’t get your obsession with High School Economics – I’ve spent time teaching and besides math and American History – there is no such thing as Economics taught in State Run Public schools in MOST of America.
Ben: Failed policies like slow response to covid, belittling vaccinations for it, tax cuts for the wealthy, etc, etc and etc have most certainly contributed if not caused most of the problems we have in America today!! Afraid you also have it wrong on who favors big corporate oligarchs!! Biden wants them to pay their proportionate share based on profits they have been able to generate here!! Also you apparently have no knowledge of what is taught in high school although economics might be included in a basic civics class!!
BF: Covid misinformation – that came straight from deep state and ghouls like Fauci who funded Gain of Function research. Yes, Occam’s razor – the establishment frauds tell us the virus came from a bat when the evidence is quite logical and now hard to refute that it came from the lab in Wuhan where Fauci and some of his over $9 Billion grant allotments per year went. The illiberal left’s mantra of Tax cuts for the wealthy is so predictable. Tell me the last time a “poor” person hired you for a job. Your economic philosophy is a programmed version of Keynes – mine is Friedman. You think more Govt spending is the answer. I think more Govt intervention in the Mkt is the problem. High School Civics? Really. I bet 90% of American High Schoolers couldn’t pass a Citizenship test given to LEGAL immigrants. I suppose Oprah, Gates, Soros, Bezos, are all right wing Republicans? That Google, Amazon, Apple, etc. their employees and top exec are Republicans? That Hollywood moguls – and big name stars are Republicans? Wake up Yahoo Ben. BTW, my Home Room teacher in High School taught Civics. To this day, she was absolutely right that NO one pronounces Electoral College correctly (or knows its importance). Accent on second syllable. not third. and there is no “i”.
Ben: Great to see that someone at least has that magical Crystal Ball which allows them to know what everyone else thinks and knows! I am totally awake but very concerned that Donald Trump will lead us into that authoritarian fascist regime similar to what happened in 1930’s Germany when many very good and intelligent people were completely deceived until it became too late for them and their families!
BF: Here we go with the Nazi reference rather than actual evidence. Obama’s puppet and his allies in the Democrat party are the ones that have demonstrated authoritarianism. Exactly how is Trump authoritarian compared to the endless Executive Orders that essentially undid every positive thing Trump did – the lawfare and Stalinist behavior of the Democrats – the Stalinist “show me the man I’ll show you the crime” to target the leader of the opposition? Fascism is defined as “total control of the government” – and that would be the Marxist wing of the Democrat party in an unholy alliance with cheap labor Globalists who sometimes call themselves Bush, Romney or Cheyney. Their idea of “democracy” is preventing the opposition from running – by any means necessary – in this case – the absurd Jan 6 inquisition and the multiple bogus law suits that will be overturned by rational appellate courts and the Supreme court. What we have here is Trump Lawfare Inquisition – saving democracy by destroying it. I live in the one party Marxist state of California. I know what happens when Democrats have one party rule. California went from the golden state to an Orwellian dystopia in a single generation.