Don’t know when America has ever been truly united. Let’s face it – we started off with grand ideas from Locke – “Life, Liberty and Property” in his Second Treatise of Government – which became Jefferson’s “All men are created equal”, “endowed by the creator with certain unalienable rights” – “among them Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”. But this was rather difficult when there were hundreds of thousands of slaves who were not granted liberty or the “pursuit of happiness”. In America’s favor, less than a century after its founding – around four score and seven years to quote Lincoln – we fought the bloodiest battle in our history in large part to right that wrong of slavery and live up to the immortal words of our founding.
Well, for about a century more even with the new amendments to the Constitution – 13th, 14th, and 15th – that freed the slaves and granted them citizenship – we still had a two tiered system in the former slave states – segregation. And in the north, being a black was no cake walk either. And of course, this prejudice and two tier system of justice did not provide for equal opportunity or equal justice: Jim Crow voting laws. Colored only water fountains. Restaurants and clubs where blacks and other minorities could not join.
But a strange and beautiful thing happened in the rebellious and bloody 60s – Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights movement and the start of America’s second “endless no-win war” Viet Nam (Korea being the first). And though for the most part King’s movement succeeded with the signing of the Civil Rights Act, yet another assassination. Another martyr given to us in his pursuit of justice for his people. First it was Abraham Lincoln. Then JFK. Then his brother RFK. Then MLK. I even recall a song than canonized these tragedies in American history in a song – Abraham, Martin and John…Dion – famous pop star:
Anyway, in my lifetime some crazy fan assassinated John my favorite Beatle. And a few years later another insane soul came close to assassinating Reagan. And now a few weeks after it became clear that we had been lied to for the last four years and also clear that we did in fact have a senile dementia patient in the White House after the debate debacle – Trump is nearly assassinated at a Pennsylvania rally.
And the media with the help of some very nasty folks in positions of power actually are trying to diminish the event for political purposes. And now that the ruling class of Globalists, Marxists, Corrupt politicians and wealthy Oligarchs have paid off the Biden Crime family to leave the building (although he’s too senile to run for office, he’s not too senile to serve?) – it is even more important that Trump is not made into a martyr. So, what happens? The head of the FBI, starts the media frenzy by changing the narrative – that it wasn’t actually a bullet – it was shrapnel – or something else – I suppose with the only intent to minimize the scope of the event.
The FBI leadership and most of the leaders unelected and elected in Govt agencies cannot be trusted. The media certainly cannot be trusted. The masses are easily manipulated by repeated lies. Orwell’s predictions in 1984 about “Newspeak” – the ability of a Govt to simply change the meaning of words – to eliminate civil discussion and debate – and if necessary change history daily – have indeed come true – not just in Stalinist Russia or Mao’s China but here in the former United States of America.