Some will say – Bill – aren’t you a bit over the top calling the new Democrat nominee for President – Hamas Harris? Well, in a word, no. Follow the money. Hamas doesn’t exist without funding and support from Iran. The Biden Harris administration – doubled down on the failed “let’s be friends” with the Mullahs and unfreeze their billions of dollars in sanctions from Trump and back to the appeasement of Iran and terrorists of Barack Hussein Obama. One strike against her. Then there’s the Green Deal policy – and Hamas Harris – like the Squad, Bernie and other Marxists in DC – were all in for punishing our oil industry – no drilling – and simultaneously giving Iran billions in new oil revenue when the US was no longer energy independent.
So, the Oct 7 massacre that started the Gaza war – Hamas was clearly funded by Iran (Qatar) and now we have the Middle East on fire, massive inflation in large part caused by the fact that almost everything we buy is transported via gas driven vehicle. Transportation costs rise, commodity prices rise. And the final telling reason I call this empty skirt Hamas Harris is her boycott of Netanyahu’s speech to congress and her clear hatred of the Jewish state. She was right there with Hamas calling for “cease fire” to allow this terrorist organization to survive and regroup. On the other hand, the noble war in Ukraine that would have never happened if the greedy Oligarchs in the West didn’t attempt to get Ukraine to join NATO – Hamas Harris and the rest of the war mongers of the illiberal left are all in for THAT war that turns the largest nuclear power on the planet Russia into an enemy and right into the hands of our real existential enemies Iran, North Korea and China!
And then we have the Debate Debacle that will live in infamy. For four years the Pretorian guard media have told you that Biden was sharp as a tack. That wandering off at the G7 or the many stumbles, incoherent mumbling at his all too few press conferences – that was just the Republicans and Fox News selective editing. But the debate finally showed even the dimmest bulb in America who bought into the propaganda of the illiberal left and the globalists that backed open borders – maybe Biden was indeed senile and maybe he was simply a puppet for Obama, Pelosi, Clintons – Silicon Valley and Hollywood.
Now, after much gnashing of teeth and hand wringing – the only option was to take their very unpopular VP and turn her into the second coming of Jesus Christ in a skirt. Democracy, they call it?
And before the Biden Crime family finally cashes in on whatever payout they’re giving him for finally agreeing to bow out – Biden brings back that one irritant that has kept the Democrat Party’s tyrannical control from becoming absolute – the Supreme Court. How dare this court give Trump presidential immunity. Why, that could mean that he won’t go to jail – and that he might actually win if there was a fair election. Can’t have that. So, Biden’s last legacy in a long line of racist, segregationist, plagiarist, serial lying and effectively being on the wrong side of almost every important issue – let’s pack the courts!
This has been tried before and is the reason we have the 22nd amendment – term limits for POTUS. The 22nd amendment was passed in large part due to FDR attempting to pack the courts. They called it an act of the “Imperial Presidency”.
But what about that evil Citizens United case. Please. Now even the Koch Bros. are never Trumpers since the America First movement has a Republican President that tried to secure the southern border.
Citizens United. Now SCOTUS has legalized “dark money” they say. My guess is that the billionaires of Silicon Valley and Soros etc. easily outspend those that back Trump. The Pravda media that gives the Ruling Class Dems BILLIONS in free advertising – NOW that is the REAL dark money. How do we stop that when the press are clearly activists that ignore the shortcomings of the Dem nominee (they covered for Biden for 4 years until the debate made it clear that he was indeed senile) and spend virtually all their editorial time trashing Trump – or reinforcing Democrat talking points without questioning the Stalinist proceedings from the Jan 6 inquisition, and their absurd lawfare cases that take a state misdemeanor case and turn it into a federal felony. An honest media could save this democracy. A corrupt one is destroying it.
This entire process is not Democratic. It is very much an autocratic process you would see in any number of tyrannical regimes. The democratically elected nominee was found out to be an empty senile suit that both his party and the media have covered for, for the last 4 years after the horrendous debate debacle. In a panic, they anoint someone without ONE SINGLE VOTE who when she ran for the party’s nomination was woefully unpopular and dropped out in 2020 before the first primary vote. Using corrupt judges and AGs to target the leader of the opposition – very much Stalinist “show me the man I’ll show you the crime” – is another example of this autocratic tyrannical regime. And yes, this is the party that is saving democracy by dismantling it. With the billions of dollars’ worth of free press from the activist media and many millions of dollars of paid advertising – after 4 years of Biden and now this Hamas Harris – I do believe they could nominate a ham sandwich and win.