Fear. They’ve thrown everything at the guy but the proverbial kitchen sink – and nothing has stuck! They said he was a Russian asset. The DNC and Hillary hired a British spook to lie and presented the FISA courts with a false dossier so they could spy on him and his team. They lied. They impeached him not only when he was in office – but after he left? Unclear on the concept. They lied. They lost both cases. Before the election, 51 former spooks lied that Hunter’s incriminating laptop that the “Big Guy” Joe was getting 10% of the graft from foreign governments for pay for play deals was “Russian disinformation”. They lied. As H Rotten herself said to justify the Benghazi fiasco – after the damage was done and the Biden Crime Family was firmly entrenched – “What difference, at this point, does it make?”
The Deep State Ruling Class of unelected bureaucrats in partnership with the Democrat Marxists threw multiple “lawfare” cases at him. SCOTUS said he has immunity. They lost again. They incited violence by calling Trump Hitler. The first assassination attempt grazed his ear. An act of God or just serendipity – Trump remains vertical and on the campaign trail. As I’ve said before, at least during the 60s when the CIA hired assassins, at least those guys could shoot straight.
As the clowns they decided to replace the senile dementia patient continue to lose traction and spiral out of control as we near November 5, it becomes clear that despite the mass media lynching and assassination attempts of Trump – he is very likely going to win – if there’s anything approaching a “fair” election. The illiberal left is coming unhinged. A word they like to describe for Trump or anyone that disagrees with their woke-ism.
How can this be? How dare you disagree that transgender biological males aren’t women and shouldn’t compete in women’s sports! How dare you racists – want to build border walls and enforce immigration laws to protect and secure our border from poor illegals. So, what if there’s the occasional Cartel Fentanyl overdose or hundred thousand, a few thousand Human traffickers, or terrorist planning the next 9-11, or gang member who raped one of your friend’s daughters and killed them. According to the Democrat Marxists – you are nothing but a racist for wanting to have a secure border!
And Jan 6. To them worse that 9-11. Worse than the Holocaust. And given their new support from the anti-Semite Islamists – “what holocaust?”. Unlike the Floyd riots and conflagration – with cities being set ablaze and buildings burned to the ground, hundreds of police injured, several people actually killed – not one cop or member of the establishment was killed by a protester on Jan 6. But we do have one actual murder. Ashlee Babbitt. An unarmed female Air Force Veteran protester who was shot by a trigger-happy Capitol cop. She was murdered. The cop who laid low – has now become a hero. Yes, reports that a couple of Capitol cops had heart attacks – and died after the fact – but even that has not been confirmed. When it comes to truth as our Pravda buddies have shown us: only their “fact checks” matter. And yes – ONLY Black lives matter. But only if they vote Democrat and stay on the Democrat plantation, that is.
Now, a last-ditch effort to get out the vote is attempting to tell you that Jan 6 and those people who participated were hardened evil “insurrectionists” – not the BLM Antifa crowd that torched multiple American cities and caused billions of dollars of damage and carnage in their wake. They were the good “insurrectionists”. So, our VP running for President – she actually bailed these good insurrectionists out. And now, we have several angry bad insurrectionists – ex military and those who are still in lock up for Jan 6 – that we need to be afraid of – as the Dementia Patient told us – Iran, China – they’re not our real existential threat to America – these folks are like Arthur who was a trained soldier is the real threat to “democracy”:
“He is among more than 480 people with a military background accused of ideologically driven extremist crimes from 2017 through 2023, including the more than 230 arrested in connection with the Jan. 6 insurrection.”
Doing the math, other than those nasty trespassers on Jan 6 that broke some windows and many who didn’t do much other than walk around casually once the doors were breeched by the angry folks, about 250 nasty Trump loving – America hating militarists are out there planning the downfall of the Ruling Class. China, Iran – nah – they are not the real enemy – those Trump loving Democrat hating insurrectionists – that is America’s real enemy. That’s why we need to continue to elect Democrats who are for endless wars and economic policies that punish the middle and lower class.
The senile dementia patient started this nonsense with this rhetoric. And the MSM continues to try to scare a few more folks to vote for Hamas Harris and China Tampon Tim. They’re desperate. No telling if they’ll succeed again. After all, ultimately in this Banana Republic it’s not who votes – it’s who counts the votes that counts. It may work, but I doubt it. I think the vote will be so large this time – the vote will be too big to cheat. We can only pray. If they succeed again to install weak and incompetent puppets of the Ruling Class – no telling what chaos and anarchy will follow.