I don’t think sane rational people will vote for the replacement of the senile Obama puppet – but sadly many people are so easily manipulated by the talk of Trump being like that German guy with the mustache – and fail to realize just how bad the last 4 years have been for the middle and lower class in America under the woke Left and open borders Rino right. If the Dems take the senate and Oval – this country will circle the drain and essentially be CA – one party tyranny – they’ll start with getting rid of the filibuster, then the electoral college – then they’ll give 2 welfare states statehood – DC and Puerto Rico – which means the Dems Ruling Class control the Senate in perpetuity – then they’ll legalize all 20 plus million illegals – making sure one party Dem rule forever – and pack the courts with far lefties – reinstate Roe – and make abortion unlimited to infanticide – and then go after the 2nd amendment – which inevitably will lead to Civil War since there are more guns than people – and by then WW3 will be in full bloom – so no telling what the new world will look like with China, NK, Russia and Iran running things. No, this election doesn’t mean much.