The Yahoos media finally is concluding now that Trump is going to become POTUS again in a couple of months – that just maybe the Jan 6 Inquisition wasn’t really “fair”. To quote the Yahoos who miraculously reprinted an actual CREDIBLE Legal Authority’s article on the Hill, Jonathan Turley:
The continued distrust of the official accounts of Jan. 6 reflects a failure of the House Democrats, and specifically former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), to guarantee a credible and comprehensive investigation.
The House Select Committee to investigate January 6 was comprised of Democrat-selected members who offered only one possible view: that January 6 was an attempt to overthrow our democracy by Trump and his supporters. The committee hired a former ABC News producer to create a slick, made-for-television production that barred opposing views and countervailing evidence. The members, including Republican Vice Chair Liz Cheney, played edited videotapes of Trump’s speech that removed the portion where Trump called on his supporters to protest “peacefully.”
There’s the rub. This Jan 6 “inquisition” was NEVER credible. It was pure partisan politics and Election Interference. All the political prisoners will be released the day Trump is inaugurated – watch the wars wind down and Iran and its proxies crawl in its hole the day the new sheriff comes to town and cuts off their funds and watch the price of oil plummet – which will give incentive to both Iran and Russia to come to the table to end their respective wars. But Dems and TDS RINOs – not to worry – I’m sure the Yahoo media hasn’t learned their lesson yet that the vast majority of Americans aren’t buying what they’re selling. These political hacks will continue to lie and deceive – target Trump and his allies – hoping that they can do enough damage to get more power in the next midterms…
One TDS member of the disloyal opposition posted this:
MAGA hate this, 😂.
Definition of Insurrection:
Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary of American English, one of the few dictionaries available when the 14th Amendment when it was written, it was adopted in 1868.
“A rising against civil or political authority; the open and active opposition of a number of persons to the execution of law in a city or state. It is equivalent to sedition, except that sedition expresses a less extensive rising of citizens. It differs from rebellion, for the latter expresses a revolt, or an attempt to overthrow the government, to establish a different one or to place the country under another jurisdiction. It differs from mutiny, as it respects the civil or political government; whereas a mutiny is an open opposition to law in the army or navy. Insurrection is however used with such latitude as to comprehend either sedition or rebellion.”
My Conclusion: Jan 6 was essentially nonviolent trespass except for the Capitol Cop that shot – and murdered an unarmed Female Air Force Veteran protestor. The real insurrection occurred during the Floyd Riots where Billions of Dollars of damage, hundred of cops injured, some killed – was carried out systematically in Dem controlled cities where Hollywood idiots even the VP of the US donated funds to bail out all of those insurrectionists. Despite the MSM media propaganda and lies to say things like “Mostly peaceful protest” from CNN –

– the people didn’t buy what they were selling – and yes, the next Antifa, BLM Democrat supported riots should be treated as potential Insurrection OR Sedition and Treason with actual consequences. Yes, DJT – Use the Insurrection ACT of 1807. Bring out the National Guard to prevent our cities from burning and to minimize the carnage. Don’t hesitate this time. Use your mandate to keep law and order.