My title here is a bit too cute by half – but the hopes and prayers of about half of the US – the sane half that ignored the Lawfare, the propaganda about Trump being Hitler, and the endless lies coming out of the Deep State 3 letter agency liars that censored Hunter’s incriminating laptop in 2020 – is with Kash and the Trump team to clean house! Yes, the pendulum has swung in the favor of sane working Americans.
My problem is the uneasy feeling that in two or four years we will see the cock roaches crawl back out and begin to finish the job of destroying this Republic that was started in my humble estimation – the day W gave us the Patriot act and other associated govt moves to stifle freedoms in the name of National Security. Yes, we need to have an efficient Govt with agencies that communicate – but not this mess that exists – especially the god awful Homeland Security Agency.
I’m uneasy that our prettiest Governor in America – who talks tough and acts even tougher when she brags about taking out her pet canine – will likely be in charge (if confirmed) of actually one of the largest bureaucracies and budgets in our Govt. The budget for Homeland Security is over $176 Billion! Ouch! And like the Dept of Education with a budget of over $241 Billion – it needs to go on a massive diet and essentially be slimmed down to say a couple of people and a few good AI programs. Yes, we need to figure out security, but not the bureaucratic mess that gives us the Deep State – and essentially unelected bureaucrats that have used their powers to target Trump and his allies. And Education simply needs to return to the states and local boards. The unholy relationship between teacher’s unions and the Democrat party needs to be cut off at the knees. The unions need to focus on kids – not teachers. The purpose of Education is for the children – not the benefit of the democrat party and the retirement benefits that marginal teachers receive simply by enduring a couple of decades in mediocrity while funneling their political donations to dems who turn around and give teacher union members benefits that most hard working American will never get.
And it would be nice to find the 51 liars who censored Hunter’s incriminating laptop in 2020 – and make them pay for the mess that not only gave us 4 years of a senile Obama Pelosi puppet – but a crime family that clearly committed treason and sedition against the state by doing pay for play deals with China, Russia, Ukraine and other countries – friend and foe alike. They need to pay. Not holding my breath – but I hope we “Kash” in!