“How odd it is that America is wasting billions of dollars hiring DEI czars and electing woke politicians who so often accuse others of a multitude of sins, largely as a way of enriching themselves, hiding their own culpability, and making a mockery of the law.” Victor Davis Hanson – DEI Cronyism and Woke Grifters, Apr. 2024
LAFD Assistant Fire Chief Kristine Larson, Lesbian, black, female is reportedly paid $399,000 per year: when she hears someone say, ‘you couldn’t carry my husband out of a fire,’ Larson said her response is “He got himself in the wrong place if I have to carry him out of a fire.”

Although pundits and critics will rightly talk about the lack of funding for Fire fighting in LA, the mayor being in Ghana while the city burned, and the Gerry Brown and Gavin Newsom policy to funnel water from the Sierras to the Delta to protect that poor endangered Smelt – rather than send that water to Southern California (Yes, it has been reported that fire hydrants were empty attempting to fight the fires.) But let’s be clear: DEI is also a very clear contributor to the apocalyptic fires in LA.
Let’s take the image of a 90 pound female DEI hire being tasked with carrying a 250 pound man from a second story ladder to the ground. Yes, that requirement to carry a 250 pounder down a ladder – poof – goes away when you replace merit with “diversity” “equity” and “inclusion” – or better stated mediocrity, stupidity and insanity.
I was never a firefighter but I did have an interesting job for several summers as a lifeguard at a very large spring fed swimming pool in Austin, Texas – Barton Springs. It was and I’m sure still is quite a beautiful place – and a great place to escape the oppressive 90s and 100 degree summer days in Austin. The spring fed pool is a constant 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Every other week or so – we would pull the plug on the dam of the quarter mile pool and drain about half it – to clean the half of the pool of shallow rocks where the kiddies played and left their bodily wastes. In order to clean it – it would take about three pretty strong males to control the pressure hose (the same ones used by firefighters) – and I can state quite clearly that we did not have one person under 180 lbs on that duty – and that meant – no females. Of course, I’m talking about the 1970s and the only guards we hired were males – mostly UT students. We weren’t woke or broke or forced to hire DEI lifeguards. I’m not clear how the pool is cleaned these days – but my guess is – I’d have second thoughts about swimming there unless you were up to speed on your shots or you have a high tolerance for swimming in fecal matter.
Today, I have that indelible image of the very short female agent rushing to protect Trump after the bullet grazed his ear in the first assassination attempt – and heroically went to his rescue – but it was almost laughable that she made it only up to his armpit. In LA, we have a DEI female deputy fire chief. We have a gay black female mayor – who somehow managed to be visiting Ghana while her city burned. And on top of it, we have stories of firefighting equipment including fire trucks sent to Ukraine – even as the new mayor decided to cut $17 million dollars from the fire fighting budget – no doubt to prioritize DEI hiring and program funding.
*The National Pulse, Jan 9, 2024: “City documents covering the 2024-25 fiscal year also show an approved $1,777,715 operational request for “Equity and Inclusion Staffing,” allocated to “Continue funding and resolution authority for nine positions consisting of one Fire Deputy Chief, two Fire Battalion Chiefs, one Management Analyst, one Fire Assistant Chief, and four Fire Captain[s] to mediate conflict, implement a strategic diversity and inclusion plan, mitigate complaints, grievances, and lawsuits, and facilitate a positive work environment.”