In 1906 an earthquake demolished the most beautiful city in America with fires that were not anticipated by broken gas lines that could not be shut down and therefore not controlled. Not to be held down, the city rose from the ashes and in many ways became even more spectacular with a majestic 1915 World’s Fair – magnificent and iconic buildings built on a landfill in the Marina.

But as we all know, San Francisco also became the home of Barbary Coast wannabe likeable and not so likeable misfits. Then in 1989 San Francisco gets a wake up call with another earthquake – not so deadly or damaging as 1906 – but the Marina did get most of the wrath. I guess people never learn that they should not build their dreams on top of sand.

Now in 2025, the Golden State has turned into the Black Burnt State devastated by fires – a few that hit northern California a few years ago and the unimaginable apocalypse of the LA fires today. What is LA? As movie capital of the world – it has devolved from titillating cinematic story telling to essentially a purveyor of pornography and cartoons. A strange mix when you think about it.
So we now have California’s Sodom and Gomorrah. Yes, those who don’t believe in any of that old biblical stuff will scoff at the comparison, but is it really that far off the mark?
But hope springs eternal – not just for California but for America now that the criminals and sinners have been replaced (or at least put back on their heals) by a strong Man – a man of courage. A man who fights. Standing up to an onslaught few could have endured. Yes, it is almost biblical how he literally dodged an assassins bullet and despite the slings and arrows of a biased media, an “injustice” system straight from Lucifer – on Martin Luther King’s holiday – this man will be inaugurated as our 47th President of the United States. But he has an unenviable task.

In 1900 90% of income in America was in the hands of people – a free people – but in 2025 over 50% is in the hands of the government. The only chance we have to survive as a free country is to limit government and grow the private sector – but the Yahoo lying activist media, Education Cartel, Deep State and the Marxist Democrats are all locked in on growing the government and their power. I am not optimistic that Trump and his team can succeed with the entrenched liars, thieves and power mad politicians elected and unelected arrayed against him and US – we the people. But we can pray – and maybe we too can rise from the ashes.