Sadly, my favorite new Taylor Sheridan show ended its first season – Landman. Yes, Billy Bob Thornton was made for this show. Yes, as a former Texan (as they say, you can take the boy out of Texas but you can’t take the Texan out of the boy) – I totally identify with these characters. But as the first season ends and fans of the show like me can’t wait until the next season begins – we can rejoice that with inauguration of Donald J. Trump, common sense has returned to our great country. And the show presaged that message.
Stealth common sense returns as Trump is inaugurated. We’ve been living for 4 years in Obama’s puppet world of Green Deal scam that destabilized the world by making oil rich Iran and Russia strong while harming America – giving us two unnecessary wars and carnage. I heard one talking head harken to JFK’s iconic inauguration speech where he implored us “ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country!”. I was 10 years old a few years before my Bar Mitzvah and I remember those words more clearly than my portion of Torah I had to chant in Hebrew – my “haftarah”. And when you actually analyzed what DJT brings back to America, it is essentially the same message – only in reverse.
That is, now that we have endured the decades of big government public sector taking over the private sector – Trump is going to unleash the power of the people to give back to this country – not by being serfs ruled by an oppressive censoring Government, but by being free people who thrive, innovate and in Thomas Jefferson’s words – with Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness – and Locke’s original word – Possessions.
It wasn’t lost on me that just has JFK said in his inauguration speech of 1961 that his vision was to put a United States man in space and on the moon before the end of the decade – which we did – and DJT with Elon Musk looking over his shoulder and cheering – that the United States intends to put a man on Mars! That’s a bit of stretch from the Permian basin of West Texas – but the same drive that gave us the oil and the energy that built this country and put the first man on the moon will no doubt put our first man on the Mars – God willing!
Some of my favorite scenes from Landman have a speech or two – I call stealth “scenes” – about how dependent we in this modern age are on products that come from beneath our hallowed ground – oil. Not just gas that powers our autos, but most of the plastics and some 6000 products we use every day. No school, no business, no hospital exists without the mistakenly maligned black gold that powers our energy and our economy. When the richest man in the world who gave us the first truly functional EV decided that free speech and the survival of this country as the leader of the free world “Trumped” his moderate Democrat leanings and supported Trump – I knew sanity and common sense had finally returned to this country.