The illiberal locusts of the left make it so complicated. Trump is prolife as All authentically religious people are prolife. That is why we support him. Not complicated. The argument that Trump is not perfect that he has committed adultery or other sins will not sway religious voters who understand why we must support him….
Author: bill fox
Methinks the REAL disinformation campaign is coming from the Democrat Party Press who don’t want the REAL Story to come out to the low information voters about Sleepy Joe and his coke head kicked out of the Navy zero experience son and why he made millions from a Ukrainian Oligarch while Sleepy Joe was point…
Facts to the Dems are clear as mud. But here are some facts to me: No due process was afforded Trump in the House. Fact one. So called whistle blower is a CIA operative who knows Biden and conspired with Schifty. Fact two. Schiff and Nadler are congenital liars. When they open their mouths, they…
What the Electoral College, Caucuses and Repealing the 17th Amendment Have in Common
May sound odd to those who think the United States is a democracy, but it is not. It is a representative Republic. And as Franklin famously said, we give you a “Republic if you can keep it”. There is a common thread in why our founders wanted senators to be appointed by the states and…
The Demise of the Schiff Show – R.I.P.
Schiff is such a liar and he and his confederacy of democrat dunces are the REAL threat to the nation. Their yahoo media and Hollywood sycophants cannot sell their Schiff Show – the People – WE the PEOPLE – not some pencil neck tyrannical geek and nabob or negativism Nadler will determine who is President…
The Great Divider – Our Next Civil War
Slavery was the “moral” issue that justified in some people’s mind the carnage of the Civil War, but it is quite true that other issues were at play. State’s rights” – for the south, and “economic interests” motivated the north. Sad to say, but “slavery” was merely an effective cover and there was no motivation…
Food, Famine and The Former United States of America
“Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana The following was given to me by a courageous soul who wants me to help save America – or should I say, it will be given to me in the year 2036. Since I am over 2000 years old and…
Bring a knife to a gun fight
How the Party of Stupid Lost the 2012 Presidential Election to the Party of Sleaze and Emotional Manipulation Although the emotion of the left helped to make up for lost ground and to motivate crony groups to the polls, in the end fraud and the use of the IRS to target the Tea Party and…
America’s Road to Serfdom
Introduction Like the great F.A. Hayek, I have dedicated this book to the forces that are leading us on the road to serfdom with a slight twist for the reality of America in the early 21st Century: The community organizers of all parties. Hayek’s socialists (who he dedicated his classic work to in Road to…