Boomer Socialism? That’s what Commie economist Ed Glaeser calls it. Boomers have a special deal according to Comrade Glaeser. Social Security. Medicare. All these good things that Millennials and young folks don’t yet have. But never fear Bernie to the rescue. But Bernie is not offering a plan like Social Security. Bernie is offering a…
Why would 1100 former justice officials want AG Barr to resign?
So over 1100 former “Justice” officials want Barr to resign because he may want to reduce the Stone sentence. Let’s start with fact that there are 113,114 PRESENT employees of the Justice Department. Who knows there may be easily over a million former employees of the Justice Department? So how hard would it be for…
Time is Past for Sane People and the Gay Community to Drop the T out of LGBTQ
Hat tip to the Breitbart article commenting on the WSJ article for finally saying what all sane people know – there are ONLY 2 genders. No there is no in between. You are either biologically male or female. It is actually insane for people to think that by surgery or hormone treatment you can change…
China Tariffs: The Swinging Swing States Must Be Hurting Screams the Socialist Party Press
Some of this propaganda from the Dem Party press no doubt works for the low information voters – even if they find they take home more money from the their pay checks and their standard of living has gone up – somehow the constant drum beat must have an effect – yet, if people were…
Beware of the word “Forward” – To Marxists and Modern Dems it’s a code word for Tyranny
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Dec. 10, 2019, Reps. Jesús “Chuy” García (IL-04), Ayanna Pressley (MA-07), Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), Karen Bass (CA-37), and 30 Members of Congress, alongside over 145 advocacy organizations and community representatives, introduced the New Way Forward Act, H.R. 5383, a landmark piece of legislation to restore due process to the immigration system and disrupt the prison…
Did Trump make a sign of Q? Does that mean that Trump is pushing this crazy right-wing conspiracy theory? Is the country doomed to have right wing nut jobs threaten our very democracy? Is Armageddon approaching? Should good Democrats run for the hills as described in an AP article by MICHAEL KUNZELMAN that chronicles the…
Why Trump Has the Religious Vote
The illiberal locusts of the left make it so complicated. Trump is prolife as All authentically religious people are prolife. That is why we support him. Not complicated. The argument that Trump is not perfect that he has committed adultery or other sins will not sway religious voters who understand why we must support him….
Methinks the REAL disinformation campaign is coming from the Democrat Party Press who don’t want the REAL Story to come out to the low information voters about Sleepy Joe and his coke head kicked out of the Navy zero experience son and why he made millions from a Ukrainian Oligarch while Sleepy Joe was point…
Facts to the Dems are clear as mud. But here are some facts to me: No due process was afforded Trump in the House. Fact one. So called whistle blower is a CIA operative who knows Biden and conspired with Schifty. Fact two. Schiff and Nadler are congenital liars. When they open their mouths, they…
What the Electoral College, Caucuses and Repealing the 17th Amendment Have in Common
May sound odd to those who think the United States is a democracy, but it is not. It is a representative Republic. And as Franklin famously said, we give you a “Republic if you can keep it”. There is a common thread in why our founders wanted senators to be appointed by the states and…